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RightChain Consulting

Answers to the toughest questions in supply chain management.

How does my supply chain, inventory, transportation, and warehousing performance and practice compare with my peers and world-class standard?


How much opportunity is there in my supply chain? Inventory? Transportation? Warehousing?


What is a project worth to close those gaps?


What is a project plan to close those gaps?

How should my supply chain network be configured?


How much inventory should there be in my supply chain and how should it be deployed?


What should our supply chain service and sourcing strategy be?


What logistics lanes and flow paths optimize our supply chain?

How should material and information flow through my facilities?


What level and type of automation optimizes my operating performance?


What configuration of warehouses, DCs and factories optimizes our supply chain?

Man Reading the Newspaper

Who are the right supplier candidates for our 3PLs, WMS, TMS, and MHE?


What type of RFP maximizes our chance of supplier success?


How do we select, negotiate and contract the right suppliers?

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Planning & strategy





supplier selection

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