RightChain Pallets minimizes pallet storage and picking costs by assigning each SKU product to its optimal storage mode, storage configuration, pallet handling vehicle, and slot location. Our proprietary CloudAI SaaS optimization develops and evaluates every conceivable storage, picking, and slotting scenario and chooses the minimum cost storage, picking, and slotting solution for each SKU product. RightChain Pallets has been employed in optimizing the pallet storage, picking, and slotting of more than one hundred warehouses including those at BP, Caterpillar, Clorox, Coca-Cola, Disney, Honda, HP Hood, John Deere, Mitsubishi, Procter & Gamble, and Target among many others. In those cases RightChain Pallets has been employed to minimize pallet storage and handling costs, optimize the use of existing pallet storage and handling equipment, maximize storage density, maximize pallet handling productivity, maximize building cube utilization, baseline current pallet storage and handling costs, analyze and maximize pallet storage capacity, develop KPIs for pallet storage and picking performance, minimize pallet handling time and distance, develop warehouse automation business cases, extend the useful life of existing warehouse facilities, avoid and/or delay major capital expenditures in warehousing infrastructure, optimize floor storage lane depths, and appropriate best practices in pallet storage and picking.