RightChain Operations Designs | Aerial Views
Walt Disney World's retail and food distribution operations in Orlando, Florida.
RightChain Operations Designs | Interiors
RightStore Pallets optimized this dairy company's warehousing with a high-bay, double-deep, ASRS. The automated loop system builds full truckloads and simultaneously maximizes warehousing throughput and minimizes warehousing cost.
RightPick Cases, Case Pick Optimization, minimizes the sum of labor, space, equipment, and error costs in case picking by assigning each SKU to its optimal case picking method. This implementation called for robotic layer and each picking picking with feeds from a pallet ASRS.
RightStore Pallets, Pallet Storage Optimization, assigns each SKU to its optimal pallet storage mode and handling method. It works to minimize the total cost of pallet storage and handling. In this implementation an automated vehicle loop was selected and designed for pallet handling with a high-bay ASRS for pallet storage.
RightPick Eaches, Each Pick Optimization, assigns each SKU to it's minimum cost, space, error, and equipment picking mode, face, and slot. This implementation at Swagelok called for a shuttle-based ASRS for a large mix of SKUs.
RightShelf, Retail Shelf Optimization, optimizes retail shelving and plannograms to minimize total supply chain cost to shelf and maximize retail floor profitability. In this case we were able to increase retail sales by 10% in what was already the world's highest grossing retail space.
RightStore Pallets, Pallet Storage Optimization, minimizes pallet storage and handling costs by assigning each SKU to its optimal pallet storage mode, pallet handling vehicle, allocation of space, and slot location. This implementation at Scroll's Tokyo distribution center called for a large mix of SKUs to be housed in mobile pallet rack.
RightPick Cases, Case Pick Optimization, minimizes the cost of labor, equipment, space and errors in case picking and replenishment by assigning each SKU to it's optimal case picking mode. In this implementation at Oxxo, the largest retailer in the Spanish-speaking world, RightPick Cases assigns a large mix of SKUs to double-pallet-jack picking via voice pick. RightSlot maximizes picking productivity. RightFace optimizes pick face design.
RightStops, Delivery Frequency Optimization, minimizes the total supply chain cost of retail store delivery by considering the transportation, warehousing, restocking, inventory carrying, and lost sales cost implications of near infinite delivery schedules. This implementation was completed for Oxxo, the largest retailer in the Spanish speaking world, with over 20,000 stores worldwide.
RightPick, Order Picking Optimization, optimizes each and case picking by assigning all SKUs to their minimum cost, minimum error, and minimum space picking method; simultaneously choosing optimal picking modes, pick face designs, and slot locations. This design includes a combination of ASRS shuttles and flow rack pick-to-light for each picking and conventional pick-to-belt for carton picking.