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RightChain Ai Overview
RightChain Ai is the world's most advanced supply chain optimization, planning and analytics solution. The cloud-based platform is comprised of four solutions suites.
1. RightChain Ai | Supply Chain Optimization, Planning and Analytics
2. RightStock Ai | Inventory Optimization, Planning and Analytics
3. RightTrips Ai | Transportation Optimization, Planning and Analytics
4. RightHouse Ai | Warehouse Optimization, Planning and Analytics
RightChain Ai implementations increase revenues, reduce expenses, and improve capital utilization. The results are higher gross margins, higher return on invested capital, higher customer satisfaction, and heightened competitiveness.

RightStock Ai | Inventory Optimization, Analytics and Planning

RightStock Ai is RightChain's inventory optimization, analytics and planning solution. The solution is the world's most advanced inventory optimization solution, employing high-speed artificial intelligence algorithms in concert with the RightStock methodology authored in Dr. Frazelle's Inventory Strategy book published by McGraw-Hill. The solution has been used by some of the most successful inventory and supply chain organizations including Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Disney, Honda, Disney, Carrier, NuSkin, and Colgate. The solution includes applications that optimize the SKU portfolio (RightSKUs), optimize forecast accuracy (RightCast), optimize production and procurement lot sizes (RightLots), optimize fill and turn rates (RightTurns), and optimize inventory deployment (RightPloy). The solution simultaneously reduces inventory levels (9% to 36%), increases fill rates (2 to 8 points), and increases gross margin on inventory.

RightTrips Ai | Transportation Optimization, Analytics and Planning

RightTrips Ai is RightChain's transportation optimization, analytics and planning solution. The solution is the world's most advanced transportation optimization solution, employing high-speed artificial intelligence algorithms in concert with the RightTrips methodology authored in Dr. Frazelle's Supply Chain Strategy book published by McGraw-Hill. The solution has been used by some of the most successful successful chain organizations including Coca-Cola, Disney, Honda, Pratt & Whitney, Schwan's, and UPS. The solution includes applications that optimizes logistics lanes (RightLanes), optimizes supply chain networks (RightNodes), optimizes transportation modes (RightModes), optimizes logistics loads (RightLoads), and optimizes fleet sizes and configurations (RightFleet). The solution simultaneously reduces transportation costs (4% to 17%), improves on-time performance (2 to 14 points), and increases transportation capacity utilization.

RightHouse Ai | Warehouse Optimization, Analytics and Planning

RightHouse Ai is RightChain's warehouse optimization, analytics and planning solution. The solution is the world's most advanced warehouse optimization solution, employing high-speed artificial intelligence algorithms in concert with the RightHouse methodology authored in Dr. Frazelle's World-Class Warehousing book published by McGraw-Hill. The solution has been used by some of the most successful successful chain organizations including Coca-Cola, Disney, Hallmark, Honda, LL Bean, Oxxo, Pratt & Whitney, and UPS. The solution includes applications that optimize storage modes (RightStore), optimizes pick face sizing (RightFace), optimizes slotting (RightSlot), optimizes warehouse layouts (RightFlows), and optimizes warehouse staffing (RightStaff). The solution simultaneously reduces warehousing costs (9% to 23%), improves accuracy (3 to 7 points), and increases warehouse capacity utilization.

RightChain Ai | Supply Chain Optimization, Analytics and Planning

RightHouse Ai is RightChain's integrated supply chain optimization, planning and analytics solution. The solution is the world's most advanced supply chain optimization solution, employing high-speed artificial intelligence algorithms in concert with the RightChain methodology authored in Dr. Frazelle's Supply Chain Strategy book published by McGraw-Hill. The solution has been used by some of the most successful successful chain organizations including 3M, Coca-Cola, Disney, Hallmark, Honda, Oxxo, Pratt & Whitney, and United Technologies. The solution includes applications that optimize supply chain service strategy (RightServe), optimizes supply chain sourcing (RightSource), optimizes supply chain planning (RightPlan), optimizes supply chain risk (RightRisk), and optimizes supply chain terms (RightTerms). The solution simultaneously reduces cost to serve (4% to 13%), reduces total cost of ownership (3% to 12%), and increases supply chain capacity utilization. Features

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