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 Supply Chain Optimization as a Service
Lower Inventory | Higher Fill Rates | Lower Transport Costs | Higher On Time % | Lower Warehouse Cost | Higher Accuracy
Lower Total Supply Chain Costs | Higher Perfect Order %

RightChain Inventory

RightChain Inventory

INVENTORY OPTIMIZATION as a Service (IOaaS) - 14% to 38% lower inventory. 3 to 8 points higher fill rate. SKU Optimization. Forecast Optimization. Lot Size Optimization. Turn and Fill Rate Optimization. Deployment Optimization.

RightChain Transportation

RightChain Transportation

TRANSPORTATION OPTIMIZATION as a Service (TOaaS) - 7% to 17% lower transportation costs, 4 to 9 points higher on-time percent. Lane Optimization. Network Optimization. Mode Optimization. Load Optimization. Fleet Optimization.

RightChain Warehousing

RightChain Warehousing

WAREHOUSE OPTIMIZATION as a Service (WOaaS), 7% to 23% lower warehousing cost. 16% to 37% higher productivity. 8% to 28% higher storage density. 4 to 9 points higher accuracies. Storage Optimization. Picking Optimization. Slotting Optimization. Layout Optimization. Workforce Optimization.

RightChain Planning

RightChain Planning

S&OP OPTIMIZATION as a Service - 8% to 19% lower total supply chain costs, 2 to 7 points higher perfect order. Service Optimization. Sourcing Optimization. Schedule Optimization. Finance Optimization. Risk Optimization.

Supply Chain Optimization as a Service (SCOaaS)

RightChain’s Supply Chain Optimization as a Service (SCOaaS) offering is a collective suite of CloudAi, subscription systems and APIs compatible with all major ERP, WMS and TMS applications. The offering includes Inventory Optimization as-a-Service (IOaaS), Transportation Optimization as-a-Service (TOaaS), Warehouse Optimization as-a-Service (WOaaS), and S&OP as-a-Service (SOPaaS).


The new offering is a culmination of 30 years of advanced work in supply chain optimization software, projects, and research. Previous versions have been used by and on behalf of some of the world’s most successful corporations including BP, Carrier, Coca-Cola, Disney, GE, Honda, Kraft Heinz, Pratt and Whitney, Raytheon, and UPS among many others. Typical benefits include 9% to 34% lower inventory, 3 to 8 points higher fill rates, 7% to 23% lower transportation cost, 4 to 7 points higher on-time rates, 11% to 28% lower warehousing costs, 2 to 6 points higher accuracies, and 8% to 19% lower total supply chain costs. The benefits stem from the advanced application of supply chain artificial intelligence and traditional optimization algorithms.

Dr. Ed Frazelle, RightChain’s president and CEO, was recently asked about the need for the new offering in the midst of an increasingly crowded world of supply chain systems. According to Dr. Frazelle, “The marketplace for supply chain execution systems (SCES) including transportation management systems (TMS), warehouse management systems (WMS), and inventory management systems (IMS) has advanced rapidly. Unfortunately, the supply chains they manage have not improved accordingly. We believe the performance gap is a type of functionality we call supply chain optimization systems (SCOS). Supply chain optimization systems work in collaboration and connection with traditional supply chain management systems. Supply chain optimization systems, including inventory optimization systems (RightChain Inventory), transportation optimization systems (RightChain Transportation), warehouse optimization systems (RightChain Warehousing), and S&OP optimization systems (RightChain Planning) receive supply chain transaction data and generate optimal supply chain set points and operating rules. Those set points are in turn fed back to the supply chain management systems to complete the supply chain optimization-execution loop.”



RightChain Inventory | Inventory Optimization as a Service (IOaaS)
RightChain Inventory Optimization as a Service (IOaaS) is offered as a CloudAI, subscription system and API. Typical benefits include 9% to 34% lower inventory, and 3 to 8 points higher fill rates. RightChain Inventory includes five optimization-as-a-service modules.

1.    RightChain Portfolios optimizes, evaluates, rationalizes, and recommends product portfolios. 
2.    RightChain Forecasting maximizes forecasting accuracy and minimizes forecast bias.
3.    RightChain Lots optimizes production and procurement lot sizes.
4.    RightChain Turns optimizes inventory turn and fill rates, maximizing the financial and service performance of all products.
5.    RightChain Deployment optimizes the allocation of inventory to supply chain nodes and links.


RightChain Transportation | Transportation Optimization as a Service (TOaaS)
RightChain Transportation Optimization as a Service (TOaaS) is offered as a CloudAi, subscription system and/or API. Typical benefits include 7% to 23% lower transportation cost, and 2 to 7 points higher on-time performance. RightChain Transportation includes five optimization as a service modules.

1.    RightChain Lanes rationalizes and optimizes transportation lane designs and flow paths.
2.    RightChain Nodes optimizes supply chain and logistics networks.
3.    RightChain Modes optimizes transport mode selection from among full truckload, less than truckload, air, ocean and rail.
4.    RightChain Loads optimizes logistics load design choosing shipping frequencies, load configurations, shipping schedules, and consolidations.
5.    RightChain Fleets determines the optimal number and organization of transport vehicles and containers for trucking, rail, and air cargo.



RightChain Warehousing | Warehouse Optimization as a Service (WOaaS)
RightChain Warehousing Optimization as a Service (WOaaS) is offered as a CloudAI, subscription system and/or API. Typical benefits include 7% to 23% lower warehousing cost, 16% to 37% higher productivity, 8% to 28% higher storage density, and 4 to 9 points higher accuracies. RightChain Warehousing includes five optimization as a service modules.

1.    RightChain Storage optimizes storage modes for pallet picking, case picking, and piece picking.
2.    RightChain Picking optimizes pick face sizes and lanes for pallet storage, case storage, and small item storage.
3.    RightChain Slotting optimizes slot location assignments considering item popularity, velocity, cube, weight, and demand correlation with other items.
4.    RightChain Flows optimizes material flow and warehouse sizing.
5.    RightChain Staffing optimizes warehouse workforce size and configuration to minimize warehouse workforce cost, maximize accuracy, and/or maximize response times.



RightChain Planning | S&OP as a Service (SOPaaS)
RightChain Planning as a Service (SOPaaS) is offered as a CloudAi, subscription system and API suite. Typical benefits include 3% to 8% lower total cost to serve, and 6% to 14% lower total supply chain costs. RightChain Planning includes five optimization as a service modules.

1.    RightChain Service evaluates and stratifies customers and products and optimizes service levels for both across multiple channels and commodities.
2.    RightChain Sourcing evaluates internal and external suppliers and sources and optimizes source selection for all products and commodities.
3.    RightChain Scheduling optimizes daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual supply chain operating plans and schedules.
4.    RightChain Finance measures, tracks, and benchmarks supply chain financial and inventory performance, and estimates supply chain financial and inventory opportunities for improvement.
5.    RightChain Risk computes current and optimal supply chain risk exposure.



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Supply Chain Finance
Chain Service Optimization
Chain Sourcing Optimization
Integrated Business Planning
Chain Risk Optimization

SKU Portfolio Optimization
AIML Forecasting
Lot Size Optimization
Turn & Fill Rate Optimization
MEIO Deployment Optimization

Logistics Lane Optimization
Supply Chain Network Optimization
Shipping Optimization
Fleet Optimization
Dock and Yard Optimization

Pallet Storage Optimization
Case Picking Optimization
Each Picking Optimization
Warehouse Layout Optimization
Warehouse Workforce Optimization

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