Supply Chains. Solved.
The World's Most Advanced AI-based Supply Chain Optimization, Planning, and Analytics for Inventory, Transportation, and Warehousing
Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence Optimizing the Inventory, Transportation, and Warehousing of the World's Most Successful Corporations
The RightChain Effect
1 to 4 Points Higher Margins
17% to 39%
Less inventory investment
4% to 27%
Lower transport costs
13% to 36%
Lower warehousing costs
8% to 21%
Lower supply chain costs
$11 Billion
Optimized inventory investments
$8 Billion
Optimized transportation spend
50 Million
Optimized square feet of warehousing footprint
Optimized warehouses and DCs
RightChain offers AI-based Optimization, Planning and Analytics for Inventory, Transportation, Warehousing, and Integrated Supply Chains
RightChain is led by three award-winning PhDs; a supply chain scientist, a rocket scientist, and a decision scientist.
Leadership Team
Dr. Ed Frazelle
President and CEO
Dr. Ed Frazelle is one of the world's foremost authorities on supply chain optimization, technology, strategy and operations. He is former founder of The Logistics Institute and Supply Chain Management Series at Georgia Tech and author of McGraw-Hill's Logistics Management Library.
Dr. Andrew Frazelle
Chief Solutions Officer
Dr. Andrew Frazelle is a PhD in decision sciences and game theory from Duke University. He is an award winning operations researcher and specializes in supply chain operations research and analytics.
Dr. Travis Smith
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Travis Smith is a PhD in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech. His specialty is the development and application of artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms to complex supply chain problems in design and operations.
Hear from our CEO on how is optimizing supply chain designs and operations.
As aired on The Matrix with Laurence Fishburne on PBS Television and the Fox Business Network.
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Industries Served
Jim Roach
Executive Vice President
Honda Motor Company
“RightChain’s technology, team, and tactics are powerfully suited to American Honda's service parts distribution systems. Their methods have helped us effectively knit together key distribution practices that consistently support our customer policies. The proof lies in our excellent customer satisfaction ratings and the efficiencies that we now enjoy.”
Bill Burgess
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Schwan's Food Company
"RightChain has taken hold and worked for The Schwan Food Company. RightChain’s straight forward concepts link strategy and tactics across our supply chain - all uniquely designed for our company's business needs. We have improved fill rates while simultaneously decreasing inventory.”
Carliss Graham
Director, Supply Chain Logistics
BP Fabrics and Fibers
"RightChain has been a critical optimization technology resource for us in the total transformation of our supply chains."